Sunday, August 24, 2008

I am angry.

Remember how I kept saying I'd fill you in when I got to Berlin?

Julie said said said we'd have internet. Maybe not in every apartment, but we'd have a wifi spot in the building. Sooooo guess what? Kein internets!

I am currently sitting in a cafe a decent walk from our apartments, because its internet is free. (You are still obliged to order something, and it is not cheap.)

I am pissed. Everyone I've talked to is pissed. I could pretty much kill at this point. If Julie had actually, you know, come through, I probably would be up to Switzerland in my story by now. As it is, this blog seems incessantly useless, because I am not carrying my widescreen laptop through Kreuzberg every day. I may be able to type something beforehand and then do one big post in a week or so.

I don't think I can even afford to update my HOMEWORK blog. That's what at least Rachel is telling Julie, and I plan to do the same. I'm not paying for these expensive little cafe thingies when I have good, cheap food in the apartment. We paid good money for these apartments, this program, and we expect internet, particularly because the program demands we BLOG everything.

I shall try not to explode.

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