Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The schedule is finally ready!

Hooray! We have the last of our hostel reservations!

So, here is the itinerary:
Dates, Location, What I'm doing
7-7 to 8-6YakimaI've just been chilling, ever since my %^&$ing job laid me off yesterday. I have to clean up my end-of-the-school-year mess, and pack for Europe and Seattle, but otherwise I'm just watering the plants and napping all day. I'm getting to know cable programming fairly well again.
8-6 to 8-7SeattleI believe my parents are giving me a ride over to Seattle, and I'm spending the night at Mary Grace's family's house, until we wake up at an unholy hour to go to the airport.
8/7 to 8/8The SkyMG and I fly from SeaTac to Philly International to Munich.
8/8 to 8/9Munich/MünchenWe're essentially just spending the night there...I don't know what we'll do besides recover.
8/9 to 8/10Frankfurt
This is one of Mary Grace's destinations. There is a church about 45 minutes away from town that she wanted to go to. I think she said it was B'hai, one of the few churches of that religion left. I'm guessing it will be very interesting.
8/10 to 8/12Lucerne/LuzernI wanted to visit the Alps, and Switzerland sounded interesting. Luzern is a nice tourist city there, by a lake in/near the mountains.
8/12 to 8/16Naples/NapoliYou would not believe how difficult it is to book a hotel on the Mediterranean in August! We finally got a hostel in Naples for a reasonable price. It's close to the waterfront (by which I think it means docks), but at the very least we can take city buses to the beach.
8/16 to 8/22Rome/RomaThis is for both Mary Grace and myself. There are so many things to see, I don't even know what to do! Mary Grace, because she is a practicing Catholic, wants to go to Mass there, of course. I have a few other places on my list, but we'll see.
8/22Venice/VeneziaWe are not spending much time in Venice, but we plan on taking a fairly early train from Rome, stopping briefly to see the canals and gondolas, and then take a late train to Berlin.
8/22 to 9/20BerlinThis is where I get serious, and actually do research and earn credits and such. My program is taught by UW staff, but our classroom is at Humboldt-Universität. Many of our lectures will be with Humboldt staff, as well as our own Julie and Shanga, and we have an HU grad student as our TA. I'm sharing an apartment with Mary Grace, in the same building as the other UW students. Both HU and our apartment building are in the city center of Berlin.
9/20-9/22Munich/MünchenWe fly out of Munich — after a couple days at Oktoberfest.
8/22The SkyMG and I fly from Munich, to Philly, and back to SeaTac. Because we're flying West, we gain time instead of losing it, and if you don't look at the timezones, the trip appears to take 9 hours. If only.
9/22SeattleI'm moving right into my room for the year, without going back to Yakima. Classes start 9/24, so I'll have one day to get over jetlag and Oktoberfest.

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