Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Calendar is up, but private

So, I added a link to a page with my calendar on it. Right now, my calendar is set to private, and you will be treated to a lovely blank calendar, but if you want to look at the events on it, just comment or email me (at kriscope at u dot washington dot com) with your email address. You need a google account for it to work, but they're a cinch to create.

I've added all of the tours, guest speakers, lectures, workshops, etc that Julie and Shanga (the program directors) emailed me. While we're a little overbooked right now, many of the tours look just excellent! Julie sent me a reply to my concerns, saying they plan on being flexible around interviews and whatever else we need to accomplish, but I don't plan on missing much of it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

alrighty, here is my comment. it may possibly be inaccurate, but i'll give it a shot.. i think my gmail is lefttenantbradley@gmail.com. probably.

hope you're having a fabulous time in germany!